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Chris P90x Workout Reviews: Day 13

Submitted by on Saturday, 13 March 20105 Comments
Chris P90x Workout Reviews: Day 13

Day 13: Kenpo X

Today went really well, for some reason I was completely full of energy and never seemed to get tired.  I made it my goal today to try working harder than Tony and the crew.  I managed to keep up during every exercise, and I switched from jumping jacks to high knees in between every exercise.  By the end I was completely exhausted and fairly sweat, but I was still not near as sweaty as anyone on the DVD.  I wonder how warm it was in their gym where they did these workouts?

Pete if you are reading I promise I will do x stretch tomorrow 🙂


  • Brian said:

    I wondered the same things as you have Chris, I have never gotten any where near as sweaty as Tony or the others. I sometimes wear a coat during the exercises to sweet more, I don’t know if that’s a good idea, but its very cold in my house.

    Anyhow keep up the good work, you already made it past the hardest part in my opinion, the dreaded first week.

  • Craig Santos said:

    Great job, Chris.

    Soon you will mute Tony and forget about his counting. During kenpo, do your moves at your rate. For me, it is often faster than Tony…which leads to a great sweat. And I work out in my garage!

    Personally, I love the “spartan” nature of the workouts (no machines, bare nuckles), but Kenpo has room for weighted gloves and ankle weights during the later rounds.

    Keep pushing play – Cheers!

  • Pete said:

    Busy weekend… But I’m still reading. Glad to hear that Stretch X went well. Keep it up!

  • Bryan said:

    I got a bit sweaty, I’m sure it has to do with a warmer environment…but then again I am also warm bodied and sweat easily (not something I’m proud of). I like the idea of adding weighted gear, I’m not there yet but look forward to implementing that as I advance. Cheers!

  • Chris P90x Workout Reviews: Day 20 | P90x Reviews said:

    […] most fun of the workouts in my opinion. I have been thinking about the idea mentioned by Craig in this post about getting weighted gloves and ankle weights.  Next time I am at the store I will take a look […]

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