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Home » Chelsea's Blog

Chelsea P90x Workout Reviews: Day 12

Submitted by on Friday, 12 March 20102 Comments
Chelsea P90x Workout Reviews: Day 12

P90x Day 12: Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X

This workout is so challenging for me. Wall sits are killer, and my calves are always so tight and cramp up by the end of this workout. they will be sore for a few days to come. only to feel better just in time to do it all over again. 😛 but progress is being made. I am sticking with a healthy diet, full of whole grains, veggies, and fruits. I ate pretty healthy to begin with, but I have never consumed so much whole grain in my entire life. Changing for the better. My abs are feeling it right now too. I have a cough, and every time I do, my abs hurt. Every time I cough, I just think of it as a periodic mini ab crunch. Gotta stay positive here people!
Stay well and remember to breath!


  • Mike said:

    I’ve been reading your and Chris’ blogs and I’m findeing them very informative. I started P90X yesterday evening and did the Plyo this morning. I’m not sure if reading about what’s to come and the soreness associated with it is a good thing or not, but I’ll keep checking on you progress. Both of you are showing results on your 8 day pics!

    Keep Bring’n it and keeping us posted.


  • Amy said:

    thanks for posting. I need the inpiration. I plan on starting p90X next week 🙂

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