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Home » Chelsea's Blog

Chelsea’s P90x Workout Reviews: Beginning /w Pics

Submitted by on Sunday, 14 June 2009No Comment
Chelsea’s P90x Workout Reviews: Beginning /w Pics

Hello. My name is Chelsea. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I was always really active in high school. I was a swimmer and diver and ran track and cross country. Basically, I was in awesome shape. But sadly, after 4 years of college, my abs-o-steel now more so resemble abs-o-jello thanks to all the late night study sessions, followed by grabbing the easiest, cheapest, and fastest fix when it came to food. Basically all I ate was fast food and pizza.  So when I saw an ad for P90X on TV I figured, why not give it a try? What have I got too lose, except a six pack of jello jigglers that have attached themselves to my abdomen.

Since I don’t want to come out of this looking like the female version of the hulk, I will probably be modifying the program to fit my needs. My main goal is to lean up and I really want to tone up my legs, abs, and booty. Wish me luck on my journey to write daily p90x reviews !

Chelsea P90x Results Day 1

Chelsea P90x Results Day 1

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