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Chris P90x Workout Reviews: Day 10

Submitted by on Wednesday, 10 March 20105 Comments
Chris P90x Workout Reviews: Day 10

Day 10: Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X

Chelsea and I finally got some smaller dumbbells today so we were able to push ourselves harder this time.  Some of the triceps exercises towards the end of the DVD were just not possible for me with a 15 pound, but now that I have a 10 pound dumbbell I was able to do them all.  I always find myself laughing on the shoulders & arms day when Tony says the tip of the day is: “Don’t smash your face… let someone else do that.”  Other than my fit of laughter the workout went pretty well and was for the most part uneventful today.  I was able to push harder than I thought in both the Shoulders & Arms, and especially in the Ab Ripper.  I was finally able to keep up with the pace and reps for the first 5 stomach exercises which is a lot better than any of my previous attempts.  I was still not even close to keeping up during the second half of the ab ripper, I am just glad I am starting to make some progress though.

On a side note I am almost done with hell week in school, all of the teachers are giving us tests right before spring break.  After I make it through class and a test tomorrow I only have one more class to attend on Friday and then I have a lot of time off.  I have been tossing around the idea of visiting Bryan down in Texas, since I haven’t seen him in a while.  Is anyone else getting excited for spring like me?  I live in North Dakota, so everyone is once again all worried about spring flood, luckily I live on the top floor of the highest building in town huh 😉


  • Erin said:

    Hey Chris,

    great job so far! It’s great that you are making adjustments so you can finish the exercises. That’s what it’s all about really. Do what you can to the best of you ability and you will get better! Not many people can complete Ab Ripper X the first couple of weeks, but eventually you will!! Soon you will LOVE IT!!!

    Keep it up!


  • gp said:


    Thanks for your comment on my blog. It appears that you’re advancing nicely on your journey. There’s no magic to it: just commitment and hard work. Make eating cleanly and exercise part of your daily activity, and you will find that both will just integrate into your life. Train hard!


  • Simon said:

    So what happened to the P90X from last summer? Did you guys give it up and are just now returning? It’s actually good to see that the first time didn’t discourage you. Once you get past the first rest week you will be well on your way. Good luck, and stay focused on your goal – to make 90 days!

  • admin (author) said:


    Not finishing P90X was my fault, I had a bunch of things come up all of a sudden leaving no time for P90X and especially keeping a blog up to date. The plan was always to restart it when time allowed and it has since done that. I made a quick post about it here:

  • Scott S said:

    Thanks for checking out my blog. I’m on week three and the AB Ripper X does seem to be getting better. I’m still not Adam “The Ripped King” in the videos but I can start to do the full reps.

    Keep pushing play.


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