Day 18: Â Shoulders and Arms +Â Yoga
Today’s workout routine was tough. We had to do shoulders and arms plus fit in yesterday’s missed yoga session. That isn’t the ideal way I’d like to spend my Thursday evening but …
Day 18: Â Shoulders and Arms +Â Yoga
I am completely beat after today.  We started off with shoulders & arms which went fairly well, Bryan has a better set of dumbbells than myself were great to use.  After we …
Day 17: Shoulder & Arms, Ab Ripper X
Bryan and I unfortunately did not get the workout in today as we were busy nonstop and I was quite tired from traveling, we will attempt to do …
Day 17: Shoulder & Arms, Ab Ripper X
Chris and I did not get the workout in today, we will do both shoulders & arms and yoga tomorrow.
Day 16: Plyometrics
Plyometrics went smoothly today. I had a high to moderate energy level through the session which I feel really good about. I look forward to seeing how my performance improves each week.
Day 16: Plyometrics
Plyo went fairly well today, although I did get quite mad at Mary Katherine once again when she showed up.  I am also still having a hard time with the jump and spin moves as …
Day 15: Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
My pull-ups don’t seem to be improving as much as my push-ups and ab ripper are despite my back looking much stronger.  I still cannot get more than a few wide grip’s …