Articles in the Chelsea’s Blog Category

We had to do a little domain shuffle, and finally everything is complete.
Between getting the new site setup, migrating all of the content, as well as an extremely tough end to our semester with much …

Day 35: X Stretch
I didn’t do x stretch tonight. I have a biochem exam on wednesday that I have been studying like mad for. Oh the chaos I like to call school. Oh well, workout …

Day 34: Â Kenpo X
So the weather was pretty nice today. It’s nice to have the warmer weather and sunny days, and by warmer I mean 60 degrees here. 😛 I’m glad it is Easter but …

Day 33: Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
well it feels good to be working out my legs, and while I can’t see my back, I can tell that it is getting stronger. The good news …

Day 32: Yoga X
It was a friend’s birthday today, and boy am I glad that today was yoga x. unlike on other nights where I exhaust my arms and legs, I can still feel my …

Day 31: Back and Biceps, Ab Ripper X
so I ran out of time to do my workout today. I have a histology exam in the morning, and I ended up just studying all day. Back …

Day 30: Plyometrics
Today was a really good workout. I am now able to keep up with the entire plyo routine for the most part. I am no longer fatigued right away. Now I am starting …