Chelsea P90x Workout Reviews: Day 10

Day 10: Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
Today went well. I am getting progressively less and less sore, although the P90x workouts still kill me. I am trying to eat as much as possible, but I find that even though I am not hungry, I have not consumed enough calories for the day. I think that is my biggest challenge of all. Ab ripper x still rocks me. If I try my hardest to keep up at the beginning with them, I am totally dead for the rest of the workout. One day Tony Horton, one day… I will be able to complete ab ribber x using only the difficult modifications! I think the best part of the work outs though are his little quips and tips. “tip of the day, don’t bash your face in. Let someone else do that for you.” I find myself laughing out loud at him periodically while working out. I’m glad he keeps things light hearted.
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