Chelsea P90x Workout Reviews: Day 17

Day 17: Shoulder & Arms, Ab Ripper X
SO I am keeping up with the diet. Eating healthy has never been a big problem for me. I love soy, soy milk is the best! I put it in my coffee (no sugar of course) or eat it with my cereal. Sadly, I’m not really a fan of red meat. I went through a phase where I didn’t eat it for nearly 3 years. I’ve warmed up to it more though and have been trying to eat more of it lately because of its high protein content. Don’t get me wrong though, I love McDonalds fries and super sweet desserts just as much as everyone else. But when it comes to getting in shape, I have a lot of will power and I like to eat foods that are good for you. It’s sort of empowering knowing you are doing something good for your body.
The workout was good today. I am able to do more reps and lift 15 pounds for almost all of the exercises! Today was a good day! 🙂
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