Chelsea P90x Workout Reviews: Day 5

Day 5: Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
Things are starting to loosen up. I am no longer stiff as a board. Legs and back went well. I actually rather enjoyed it, and all of the instructors little sayings and quips make me laugh, even though I currently resent him at the moment. The wall squats are enough to fell some of the strongest people I know. If this were any other video, I would have shut it off long ago and proceeded change into baggy clothes and raid the pantry in defeat. Thankfully Tony has a certain quality that makes you want to keep on going. For some reason I don’t want to stop because I feel as if he would know! And then he will show up at my door all disappointed and make me work even harder! Ugh…if only. Hmm…maybe I should turn the video off?
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