Chris P90x Workout Reviews: Beginning w/ Pics

C Once I got to college I didn’t continue to play any organized sports and I really cut back on the exercise. Multiple years later I am not really happy with the shape that I am in. I feel that I am too skinny and don’t have the muscle strength and endurance I would like.
I had been seeing the P90x infomercials on television a lot and felt that this might be something that could get me to where I want to be, or at least in the right direction. After getting the program and reading all of the material that comes with it I have decided to modify it slightly for myself. My main goals are muscle gain and overall weight gain, so I am actually going to be eating as much more than normal as I can possibly get down, I will also be increasing my protein intake as much as possible also. Hopefully the increased protein/calorie intake combined with the P90x workouts can help me put on some meat!
I will be giving this program 110% so feel free to check back on my progress if you were contemplating buying the P90x Workout. I will be writing daily P90x Reviews of each workout. Comments/suggestions/criticisms are greatly appreciated! Wish me luck, after looking through the program I believe I will need it 🙂
Here are my pictures before I begin the Day 1 P90x Workout:
You will never own the 4e. You grizzly hippy!
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