Chris P90x Workout Reviews: Day 3

Day 3: Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
I have 15 and 25 pound dumbbells and they are not enough for this day.  Some of the workouts, especially towards the end are so intense I clearly need to pick up some 10 pound weights.  I strongly recommend people take this day easy since its your first day on Shoulders & Arms, it is very tough by the end.  I was having a hard time getting around all day because my legs (especially my quads) and my butt were killing me from yesterday’s plyometrics workout.  My hip area was also really sore from Ab Ripper X on Monday so when I got to Ab Ripper today I failed miserably.  I was having to go slow, I couldn’t keep perfect form and I had to take pauses.  I will be impressed with myself if I can finish Ab Ripper by the end of 90 days since I am having such a hard time with it right now.
The best P90X Review tip I can give anyone at this point is PLEASE pace yourself the first few days, I think it would be easy to work yourself out too hard and get more sore than you would want and possibly even hurt yourself if you are not in the best shape. Â Go slow and work your way up.
Hi Chris,
You are right about the weights. Don’t be afraid to use 10-15 lbs to during the first week or two. It will help you focus on form and you will be ready for 20/25’s by week three.
Ab Ripper X will also start to get easy around week three. You will be able to complete the whole thing and feel like a rock star.
You are almost through the soreness, and by Sunday the DOMS (initial soreness – delayed onset muscle soreness) will be gone. You are doing a great job. It is all downhill after this weekend.
Keep it up,
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