Chris P90x Workout Reviews: Day 5

Day 5: Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
This workout was extremely rough for me. My legs are definitely in good enough shape to complete this P90x Workout at near the same pace as the DVD. I started off doing 15 reps on the early exercises instead of 25 thinking I would save my legs, it did little but delay the inevitable. I highly recommend anyone else doing this workout for their first time goes very easy at the start or you will have a very hard time making it to the end.
On a positive note I tried my first Chocolate Shakeology and it was AMAZING. I took 1 scoop chocolate Shakeology, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 frozen bananas, and peanut butter. It tasted exactly like a Peanut ButterCup Perfection from Coldstone Creamery!
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