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Chris P90x Workout Reviews: Day 6

Submitted by on Saturday, 6 March 2010No Comment
Chris P90x Workout Reviews: Day 6

Day 6: Kenpo X

I have decided that Kenpo is my day of the P90X workouts.  I guess I will start this post today with my brief kenpo x p90x review:

Kenpo X is a workout that will get your heart rate up fast and make you sweat.  You will need a lot of space for this exercise so make sure to move your coffee tables, and be careful not to dragon kick your TV.  This workout combined punches, kicks, and blocking moves into various combo moves.  You will get tired and sweat, however its entertaining enough I just never seemed to care.  I made sure to take my time on some of the kick moves since my legs are not very flexible and I made it through the workout in one piece Yes Option profile.

I am starting to have a bit easier of a time with my diet adjustment, although I have been craving fast food and Mt. Dew like crazy this whole week.  I have been eating about 4 times as much fiber and protein as normal so I have noticed some extra gas.  I am also still striving for 6 small meals a day however I am usually eating 5.  This is till a big improvement from my previous two large unhealthy meals a day.  I am glad the Chocolate Shakeology turned out to be so tasty, I now feel like I get to cheat and eat desert, when its truly the healthiest thing I eat all day.

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