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Important Update

Submitted by on Wednesday, 7 April 20105 Comments
Important Update

I was contacted by Beachbody and told that I need to switch this blog over to a new domain name since I have their trademark in my domain.  I will temporarily be putting the daily blog posts on hold while I get this situation sorted out.

Don’t worry we are all still completing our workouts, eating healthy, and writing the blogs and they will all be posted as soon as this situation is resolved.


  • Craig said:

    Ouch, brother.

    You are presently struggling with “the man”! Minor set back. Keep working out…keep journaling.

    Looking forward to seeing you return. Looking forward to seeing your results.


  • Pete said:

    What a bunch of crap!

    I would think that Beachbody would be greatful that you are promoting their product on a daily basis, for FREE! I definately wouldn’t have even purchased their product if it were not for all of the blogs out there offering honest reviews.

    If Beachbody is reading this, you need to straighten up your act and realize that user reviews, offering positive feedback on your products, are FREE marketing! They are the main driver in your sale of P90X and Insanity. Send your whole marketing department back to B school!

  • admin (author) said:

    I agree, they need to focus more on getting rid of the counterfeit and knockoff sellers *cough cough* “superp90x dot com” *cough cough* rather than people providing honest reviews of their product

  • Bryan said:

    You would think they would at least check the websites and decide whether they want to allow them to run or not. But, to not allow other websites with “P90X” in their domain name seems a bit too careless to me.

  • Frank said:

    I really like your blog and i wish you all the best luck on your p90x journey. I’ll be a frequent visitor.

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