Jason P90x Workout Reviews: Day 11

Day 11: Yoga X
My body rejects Yoga like greasy foods. I went and bought the actual p90x yoga mat for this go around. Originally, I was using a section of old carpeting I cut up, but it had terrible traction on the underside. I would end up sliding on some key moves and nearly killing myself. Yoga really would have been the end of me if I didn’t buy this mat. Boy am I glad I purchased the P90x one. The mat seemed very nice when I received it, however I didnt truly appreciate it until I found a really cheap one at Walmart (yea, I know how evil and redneck I am for shopping there); but, it’s so damn close to me. I’m all about driving the shortest distance to any errand I need to run. After comparing the mats the P90x one is night and day better and not that much extra.
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