Jason P90x Workout Reviews: Day 23

Day 23: Core Synergistics
This is an entirely new day of P90x. Don’t be fooled by the title of “recovery week”. I think this is my new least favorite day of the program. Tony—a.k.a. freakazoid—was scaring me a little bit during the prison pushup section. He absolutely flies through pushups like no other. By the end of the exercise, I was completely gassed and gasping for every breath. Honestly, if you saw me at the end, you would have thought I was a fish out of water.
On a side note, I have decided to completely discontinue my use of creatine. Also, I will be stopping my whey protein intake as well. I did some research and consulted a couple of friends who are fit, and I’ve concluded the whey protein is probably more of problem than a benefit. The whey protein and creatine are puffing me up, and I believe they are making gain more fat than muscle. I’m excited to see if cutting out the protein has any new effects. Only time will tell!
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