Jason P90x Workout Reviews: Day 5

Day 5: Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
I’m feeling rather decent so far after my first four days of P90X. I should mention that I’m taking whey protein and creatine immediately after all of my workouts. The combination of the two, I believe, is helping me recover more rapidly for the next day. My body might just be in a state of shock because of all the activity I’m suddenly performing, but so far so good.
Two words ring in my mind after today: wall squats. Painful, horrible, excruciating wall squats. Otherwise, the day was just a typical, tough P90X workout. Also, today is another Ab Ripper X day. I think the 15 minutes of ab ripping is worse than the hour of legs and back, but I’m just complaining to complain. Picturing myself in shape is all the motivation I need to keep trucking on!
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