Jason’s P90x Workout Reviews: Beginning /w Pics

I’ve decided to take the plunge into the world of P90X, and share my experience with other people looking to finally get in shape—or find a new, more exciting way to get fit. My accounts of my P90X journey are going to be raw at times and nothing but the painful truth. I hope to give an accurate portrayal of what to expect, as well as weekly photos of my progress.
One cold, hard fact I had to face before beginning this program is the fact that I am well… extremely out of shape. For the majority of the past eight years I have done little to no physical exercise. Occasionally, I would decide to hop on a treadmill and reenact the life of a gerbil. Normal cardio exercise (i.e., running, elliptical, or biking) just does not hold my attention. I often find myself constantly looking at the time remaining on my workout and dreading every moment. There had to be some other way to exercise without boring myself to death, and I hope P90X will be the answer.
Everyone else needs to go buy p90x now and follow along!
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